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Nathan Kinger

General Electrical Discussion

03/23/2017 08:23:40 AM

CFL's in incandescent fixtures

I’ve been using CFL bulbs in the ceiling light fixtures of my own home for a few years now and I’m noticing some discoloration and degradation of the fixture wire insulation, white paint on the canopies and the plastic lamp sockets. I’m guessing this is due to the heat and UV light from the fluorescent bulbs. Years back, I remember a similar type of yellowing and degradation of the white plastic housings, wire insulation and internal components of incandescent exit lighting that were retrofitted with fluorescent lamp kits.Have you seen this type of thing occurring in incandescent fixtures using CFL bulbs or that have been retrofitted with fluorescent lamp kits?I’m wondering how this will play out if and when the proposed incandescent bulb ban takes place. It seems you would have no option but to use CFL bulbs in fixtures that were never designed, tested or listed for their use, which could result in various forms of deterioration on a large scale that I’ve been noticing.I find it interesting that as electricians, we have to go to great lengths to follow UL listings and manufacturer’s instructions, for fear of liability, but Congress seems poised to pass a law which mandates the complete dismissal of these.

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