Home owners routinely call us with questions regarding attic fans. Do they really work? What is the difference between an attic fan and a whole house fan? Prior to home air conditioning and even after, home builders generally installed attic fans for the comfort of the residents. If you are a home owner who manages to get the first floor comfortable and then when you go upstairs for the evening it is stifling, an attic fan may be the answer for you.
Having an attic fan allows you to open one or more windows and the fan will suck in the cooler outside air and blow out the warmer interior air. When you have the proper fan, those times when you would be extremely warm and increase the output of your whole house A/C system, you may be surprised you need a light blanket with an attic fan.
Attic Fan vs. Whole House Fan
Are you confused? There is no reason to be. When you speak of a whole house fan it is a unit that is installed in the ceiling. It is designed to extract the hot air from your entire home and redirect it into the attic. The positive pressure in the attic will drive the warm air through roof vents. Then the negative pressure will bring in the cooler outside air.
A single attic fan is installed at the roof level and its purpose is to draw all the warm air out of the house. If you want fresh or cool air to be brought into the home, additional vents need to be installed.
Obviously there are many more advantages to a whole house fan, but the choice is yours. Many times you can use your whole house fan instead of your expensive air conditioning. Generally, an attic fan will run during the warmest time of the day hours to pump all the hot air out of your attic. However, a whole house fan will run in the coolest times like morning, evening and overnight to bring the fresh, cool air in.
Other benefits
While you may enjoy fishing and bringing your catch back for a family feast, you can still smell the fish fry the next morning and evening. An attic fan or whole house fan can rid your home of unwanted temporary odors in a heartbeat.
We will size your home and suggest a unit that will be able to cool within a three minute period. This is so much more efficient than turning down the A/C. You will see a huge reduction in your electric bill because these fans help your A/C run more efficiently and in some instances you do not need to run you’re A/C at all.
When you make the investment, a whole house fan is quiet and can last as long as 30 years. This is vastly difference from air conditioners. It does not pull damp, rainy air into your home.
Ask us for a free estimate.