The Best Light Painting Photography

Best Local electrical technician - Service Technician Blog Pages - If you’ve read my other posts on light painting, you know that incredibly long exposure times are necessary for shots like this. Electric service forum pages and blogs on wall socket diagnosis, circuit breaker troubleshooting, faulty wiring inspection. I love this photo. I mean, this is crazy, right?! You can almost FEEL the presence of these weird light dudes as they approach you at a murderously slow pace. Are they astronauts on our own planet? Is this our planet? I was unable to locate a larger version of this photograph, but I still put it at the top because it is incredibly evocative. So weirdly inhuman. So weirdly human. So homegirl or homeboy was out in the snow, in the dark, making this thing. And she/he had the wherewithal, tromping through the icy powder, to render these human forms so very well, even making one look like he’s trudging knee-deep. And that’s not even the real kicker ..More

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Protect your home from power surges

Popular commercial electrician - Service Expert Forums - Free contractor estimates - outlet installation, gfci inspection, appliance hook-ups troubleshooting, air conditioning etc. Additionally, consider a surge protection device which goes in the electric panel where the circuit breakers or fuses are located. If you live in an area that experiences a lot of storms, a lightning rod might be a good idea to mitigate the damage of a direct strike. The suppressor will channel the extra electricity during the power surge and prevent it from getting into your main system. Finally, make sure your homeowner's policy insures you in case a surge does knock out your devices, despite your best efforts to protect them ..More

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Don't DIY, Hire a Professional!

Service Expert emergency electrician - Home Repairman Forums - Our technicians have all been trained through years of education, practical application, and apprenticeship in order to become a certified electrician. Residential & commercial services - outlet installation, gfci inspection, appliance hook-ups troubleshooting, air conditioning etc. We hear of too many people who are injured while trying to work with electricity and they fail to notice a hazard or are unaware of a potential problem. We know how to properly handle electricity and can do so with minimal injury risk ..More

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