Hottest Lighting Products Right Now

Best Local electrical technician - Service Technician Blog Pages - Electric service forum pages and blogs on wall socket diagnosis, circuit breaker troubleshooting, faulty wiring inspection. Watching lighting trends in 2014 has been an interesting ride.  In one example, we’ve noticed customers wanting to retrofit old incandescent flush-mounted fixtures with LED downlights.  Environmentally friendly technology is an absolute must as the traditional lighting options we’ve all grown up with are slowly being replaced. The cost of LEDs and solid state lighting in general has come down faster than it would in a normal competitive environment. That has helped global adoption creep up over 10%. “LED” and energy efficiency, once phrases thought to be bandied about by tree-huggers and industry insiders alone, is now quite common ..More

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Must-Have Lights for Your College Dorm Room

Popular commercial electrician - Service Expert Forums - Free contractor estimates - gfci installation, outdoor lighting inspection, air conditioning troubleshooting, water heater etc. College dorm rooms are not known for their style and charm. Equipped with little more than a bed and a desk, an empty dorm room requires some essential supplies. They serve but one purpose for the budding student – a place to study and (occasionally) sleep. I’ve put together a list of several different types of lights — some fun and some functional — that need to make it on your back-to-school checklist ..More

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