Childproofing Electrical Outlets in Your Home

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This tamper-resistant outlet contains both a switch and an outlet to plug in devices.

A ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlet can be identified by the “test” and “reset” buttons located on the receptacle. These outlets also allow you to use two large plugs at once. Free estimates on electrical panel installation by master electricians for single or 3 phase power supply, surge protection, repair old 220v outlets and house wiring.

These receptacles look similar to standard ones, but the two outlets have the ability to spin 360 degrees. The National Electrical Code requires these outlets to be installed in water susceptible areas, such as the kitchen and bathroom. The dual mechanical shutter system blocks the insertion of objects into the outlet, increasing your child’s safety. There are also several types of childproof electrical outlets that you can choose to install that will provide a permanent way to reduce risk of child injury. Test these outlets once a month to ensure they are working properly. A GFCI outlet helps protect you from electrical hazards by shutting off the electricity circuit when it detects an imbalance ..More